VDOT's "Improvements" for Snickersville Turnpike
The Snickersville Turnpike Association's battle with VDOT over the design and aesthetics of the road are never ending. In keeping with VDOT's mantra- PAVE-WIDEN-STRAIGHTEN, a creek crossing on a 10 mph curve was deemed "unsafe" and not up to VDOT's uniform highway standards.
In 1994, VDOT came in with their improvements for this ‘dangerous' bridge and approach. It was a vision of a future for the Turnpike that no one (outside of VDOT) wanted to see... Metal guard rails, striping, gravel shoulders, denuded landscape stripped of character and uniqueness...this could be Anyroad, VA.
Without the spirit and determination of the Snickersville Turnpike Association, the entire Turnpike would look similar to this.
Instead of this...
Do you need more reasons why this road is worth saving?
Our collective voice did matter!
We saved the Turnpike from VDOT.
JOIN US! Become a member of the Snickersville Turnpike Association.